Lab Repair Reources
NameWebsitePhone #NoteContact
Lab Equipment
AirGas 935-3370Dry Ice, com pressed gases and associated equipmentJennifer Lopez,
Al-Tar lab equipment repairJohn Salinas 650-534-7929
BioNiquesthttps://www.bioniquest.com866-337-3918Repairs most types of Beckman equipmentDavid Fox
Cascade Scientifichttp://www.cascade-ts.com510-324-8871Cold Storage equipment, -80's, freeze dryers etc . . .
David Profitt lab equipment, design fabrication and repair
Diversified Laboratory Repair 746-7600General lab equipment
ENV Serviceshttps://www.envservices.com800-690-3368Test, certify and maintain tissue culture hoods and related equipment
Harrington Industrial Plasticshttp://www.hipco.com800-213-4528Pipes, valves, pumps, etc. . . Good for fish rooms
JH Technologieswww.jhtechnologies.com408-436-6336Specialize in Leica Microscopes
LabWorks 883-2993General lab equipment repair
Mettler Toldedo ex. 7165balances
MicroTech Solutionshttps://microtechsol.com510-342-3088Microscope Service, Repair, Sales and Custom Solutions
Morrow Servicehttps://morrowservice.com650-873-1935General lab equipment repair
Praxairhttps://www.praxair.com877-772-9247Cryostorage equipment and compressed gasesErica Dreibelbis,
Puretechttps://puretecwater.com800-906-6060Water system service (including Millipore) and salesLeo Szilardy
Seatec Lab Repairn/a408-828-1815General lab equipment repairRich O’Neil
Stan's Radiographic Service(408) 727-1927X-Ray developer repair, slaes and installationStan Lal,
Technical Safety Services (TSS)https://www.techsafety.com510-845-5591Repair and certification of Tissue Culture hoods510-845-5591
ThermoFisher all Thermo and ThermoFisher equipment. Must have PO or CC # to begin service.
Zeiss 800-233-2343Zeiss service and support
Autoclave/Glassware Service
Tassinhttps://tassinscientific.com909-823-2680On site tech is Ed Garcia,
Sterishttps://www.sterislifesciences.comStanford acc. rep, Skye Warner, 440.392.8114
Apple Mac and iPod
Computer:)Carehttp://www.computercare.net800-672-2734General computer repair
Dell Technical Support Support 800-866-3355 Sales Representative is Luis Diaz 800-576-6038 ext 7245526Gold Support Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Lenovo Technical Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Stanford Bookstore, x338Authorized Apple repair
Printer Assisthttp://www.printerassist.com800-334-6980
Adobe Technical Support
The AV Group(408) 655-1123 Custom sales and instal of teleconference systems, projects etcDan Armino
Avidex https://www.avidex.com800.999.8590
David Carroll Associateshttps://davidcarroll.com510-235-1256
Parts and Misc.
Louis H. Hill Company Inc. curtains for Dark Rooms
Hi-Tech Lampshttps://www.hi-techlamps.com650-961-9031Lamps for Gel Docs, Specs etc . . .
Science Lightinghttps://www.sciencelighting.com800-229-6509
Atlanta Light Bulbshttps://www.atlantalightbulbs.com888-988-2852Good prices
Royal Brasshttps://rbisj.com408-297-6642Hoses and Brass fittings for compressed gas tanks and such
Componet Suplyhttps://componentsupplycompany.com931-761-4000Hypodermic Tubing, wire products, Mesh filtration and screening
Owl Scientifichttps://gelcompany.comParts for gel rigs, combs, leads, etc